Kamala Harris

Backpage Invokes CDA Immunity in Fight Over Cal Criminal Complaint

Lawyers for the Backpage executives charged with pimping a minor, pimping, and conspiracy to commit pimping demanded that charges be dismissed on the grounds that the prosecution violates the First Amendment and is preempted by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. First Amendment Davis Wright Tremaine’s letter to Attorney General Harris contended that: The State cannot…

Shaded of Women's Pictures On Backpage

Backpage Loses Battle with Senate Committee

The Subcommittee Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations began its bipartisan investigation of human trafficking on the Internet in April 2015. The Subcommittee explains that With estimated annual revenues of more than $150 million, Backpage is a market leader in commercial sex advertising and has been linked to hundreds of reported cases of sex trafficking, including the…

Law Business

Cal Appeals Court Upholds Yelp Review Removal Order

Yelp Loses Challenge to Removal Order In a major victory for defamation plaintiffs, a Calfornia Court of Appeal has upheld an order requiring Yelp to remove defamatory reviews.  Dawn Hassell and the Hassell Law Group (“Hassell”) obtained a judgment holding defendant Ava Bird liable for defamation and requiring her to remove defamatory reviews she posted about Hassell on Yelp.…

Australian State Supreme Court Grants Individuals the Power to Censor the Internet

Australian State Supreme Court Grants Individuals the Power to Censor the Internet Australian Dr. Janice Duffy, was unhappy with the services of psychics offered by the website Kasamba and expressed her dissatisfaction through posts under various alias on RipOffReport.com (“ROR”).  The psychics responded in kind, with ROR posts accusing Duffy of stalking and harassing psychics. Duffy…

RipOffReport Loses Another Section 230 Case

RipOffReport Loses Another Section 230 Case On August 19th, a federal court in Iowa rejected a RipOffReport (“ROR”) claim for immunity under Communications Decency Act Section 230, explaining There is substantial evidence suggesting that the plaintiffs materially contributed to the alleged illegality of the information at issue.As noted above, there is an undisputed connection between Magedson and Meade concerning…

Magistrate Gives RipOffReport Split Decision, Still May Be Prosecuted

Magistrate Gives RipOffReport Split Decision, Still May Be Prosecuted In January, Xcentric Ventures, LLC, operator of RipOffReport.com (“ROR”), filed a federal lawsuit in Iowa seeking to block further investigation of its activities by Sac County, Iowa District Attorney Ben Smith.  Smith had indicted one ROR operative, Darren Meade, for witness tampering and other charges.  …